The NODCC operates with part-time staff members and volunteer Board of Directors and committee members. We work with family members, friends and professionals who have a passion for helping fulfill our mission to enhance the quality of life and promote opportunities for individuals with disorders for the corpus callosum.

Here are the ways you can get involved as a volunteer with the NODCC:

Board of Directors: Our Board of Directors make both a time and financial commitment to the NODCC. We have 15-25 Board members with varying professional backgrounds who serve two-year terms. The Board meets twice a year and guides the programs of the organization.

Committee Involvement: The Board of Directors has several committees with opportunities for involvement and support.

Here are the ways you can get involved as a volunteer with the NODCC or download the volunteer overview HERE.

1. Communications & Technology: These committees help oversee the external content and communications of the organization (working with NODCC consultants)

  • Writers, graphic designers, social media or PR
  • Website development, content and SEO
  • Audio/visual, technology
  • Marketing, branding and media
  • Creative minds to spark new thinking

2. Governance: This committee is responsible for ensuring the organization’s management
and legal documents are monitored and current. The governance committee oversees
bylaws, policies, contracts and more for the organization.

3. Development: This committee is responsible for funding for the operation and programs of
the NODCC.

  • New ideas for online fundraisers, new fundraising platforms, events, and more
  • Volunteers to support development efforts including corporate sponsorship, foundations, individual donor drives, signature fundraisers, etc.
  • Volunteers to organize local fundraisers
  • Writers for thank you notes and other correspondences.

4. Community: This group serves as local first-responders providing support to newly diagnosed families or other local needs. Volunteers in local cities or states can help organize family gatherings or fundraisers to strengthen the connection between families.

  • Organization of different community or regional groups
  • Host family gatherings or events in local communities
  • Serve a first responder to families that need support
  • Create and support virtual community calls

5. Professional Advisory Committee: The PAC is comprised of professionals who work in areas such as medical, therapies, pediatrics, research, etc. that have expertise to inform and support the individuals and families affected by a DCC.

6. Membership: This committee is responsible for cultivating relationships with members and volunteers to create a positive and inspiring experience for individuals and families within the NODCC.

  • Identify and meet new individuals and families to join and volunteer with NODCC
  • Help with communication to members and volunteers
  • Help with special member/volunteer events

**Click here to fill out our volunteer form**