NODCC volunteers raise a significant portion of the operating budget of the NODCC and the NODCC Conference. Your fundraising on behalf of the NODCC is a wonderful gift to the organization, and we appreciate your desire and contribution to forward the mission of the NODCC. We would not be able to sustain the organization’s endeavors without your support! 

Below are a few ways you can support our mission:

  1.  Set-up a Facebook Fundraiser to benefit the NODCC: It’s easier than ever to raise money online thanks to platforms like Facebook that incorporate fundraising and donations directly the site. Click on “Fundraisers” from your personal Facebook page menu, click “Select Nonprofit,” and search for National Organization for Disorders of the Corpus Callosum.
  2. Create an Instagram Fundraiser for NODCC: To set up an Instagram fundraiser, go to your profile, tap the “+” icon, select “Fundraiser.” Pick the NODCC from Instagram’s list of nonprofits, set your fundraising goal, and write a short description. Once you’re ready, tap “Share Fundraiser” and spread the word through stories, and posts to encourage your followers to donate and share!
  3. Donate directly through Make donations through our website and share the link to others through email or social media to encourage your network to support the organization.

Since 2011, donations have helped support NODCC operations and have funded programs including  DCC Conferences, website updates and maintenance, videos explaining DCC, translation of the ACC & Me book to 12 languages, attendance and education at neurology medical conferences and personal response and outreach to families through phone calls and emails. With your support, we can continue to fund the work to support people living with a DCC through education and advocacy. In addition to our existing programs, the NODCC is working to create a global patient registry that will be the standardized platform to collect information on the DCC community to be used by researchers. We need your generous contributions to fund these programs.

NODCC Fundraising Ideas

When it comes to fundraising, the more creative and personalized you make your fundraiser, the stronger it will be. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Private Donations: Conduct a personal fundraising campaign (or participate in our online Fall Fundraiser): Tell your story and connection to DCC and ask everyone you know for financial support¬ including family, friends, your children’s school, local businesses and stores, churches, public service groups, local gyms and sports clubs, Rotary Club, Lions Club and other community organizations. Ask everyone who donates on your behalf if their company has an employee matching gift program.
  • Community Presentations: Making presentations to public service groups, the Chamber of Commerce, and other community organizations are ideal places to generate nonprofit funds. The best way to approach public and private organizations is to write to the organization asking if you would be able to present your appeal at an upcoming meeting. Once you have secured an invitation, prepare a 15-minute presentation about your child’s disorder, explain why you would appreciate the organization’s support to attend the DCC Conference and allow for a question/answer period.
  • Garage or Yard Sale: Gather donated or used items from your family, friends and neighbors. Hold a sale at your house or ask your church or community to sponsor a sale on your family’s behalf. We have a family who raised $500 on behalf of the NODCC through a garage sale! Another family’s neighbors annually sponsor a neighborhood yard sale and the proceeds are donated to the family to help them pay for travel to the NODCC Conference
  • Sales Donations: Do you have your own business or know someone who would host a fundraiser? Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Stella and Dot, and more are great opportunities to target for a donation of percentage of sales.
  • A-Thons: A-Thons are a fun way to raise money. Encourage your hair or nail salon to sponsor a Cut-a-Thon or Manicure-a-Thon on your behalf. Ask a local gym to sponsor a one-day Sit-up-a-Thon or Push-Up-a-Thon or among members. Have a Bowl-a-thon at your neighborhood bowling alley with supporters pledging money for strikes or per pin played.
  • Bag Groceries: Ask your local grocery store to sponsor a special day where you and your friends bag and carry groceries to customers’ cars for tip money. We have a family who does to help pay for their trip to the conference!
  • Sell Personal Services: tell your friends, family, church and community members that you are prepared to do odd jobs for them in return for donations throughout the year (driving carpools, cleaning houses or garages, babysitting, grocery shopping, cooking special dinners). Gift wrapping is a great and simple way to raise funds during the holiday season. Approach your family and friends and/or contact local businesses and ask if you can set up your wrapping table in their store.
  • Bake Sales: set up a sales booth at your children’s school, at your church or at special community events and have your family and friends donate baked goods in support of the NODCC. Add a “cake walk” to this fun event to earn additional dollars!
  • Car Wash: Car washes have been proven to be a fund¬raising winner. Ask a local gas station to donate space on the property for your event, get plenty of enthusiastic volunteers to help wash and vacuum, and a few good “hawkers” to stand on the street with advertising signs. You can even “pre¬sell” tickets or offer to come to a patron’s home to do a special car detail at a later date. Ask your local auto supply store to donate cleaning products for your car wash in exchange for advertising at your event.
  • Local Fundraising Night: Partner with a local sports team or local event to host a fundraising night with the NODCC. Help sell tickets to the event with a portion of proceeds benefiting the NODCC.

Restaurant Profit Share: Many restaurants offer “profit share” nights for local fundraising. Find the best partner in your area and host a night benefitting the NODCC. Restaurant nights require a lot of planning and promotion to drive attendance that benefits your cause so be ready to invite a lot of people!

Please contact our Central Office at if you would like NODCC brochures to distribute at your event, need donation receipts and/or thank you notes from the organization. And, do let us know if you have a successful fundraising idea you would like to share with other families.