Frequently Asked Questions for Olam’s Piggybank

Frequently Asked Questions for Olam’s Piggybank2019-08-07T21:05:13+00:00
Does my family have too much household income to qualify for a grant?2019-05-14T15:06:57+00:00

We put significant emphasis on income when making grant decisions, but we also realize that one’s family situation is not always explained by a number. This is why we ask for a description of family situation in the application. Families with annual household incomes below $75,000 will be considered first, but we do not automatically disqualify applicants because of incomes of $75,000 or more.

Will I need to provide the NODCC with documentation about my income?2019-05-14T15:08:03+00:00

The NODCC may request such documentation as a condition for payment of any Olam’s Piggybank Grant.

I have multiple children with callosal disorders. Do I need to submit multiple grant applications?2019-05-14T15:08:45+00:00

If you are making a request for multiple items, then, yes, you must submit multiple applications.

Can I request more than one item per individual?2019-05-14T15:09:23+00:00

No. We are only allowing families to request one item per individual.

Will I need to provide the NODCC with documentation as to the price of the assistive devices and technologies I am requesting?2019-05-14T15:10:06+00:00

The NODCC may request such documentation as a condition for payment of any Olam’s Piggybank Grant.

Can I fax or email the grant application to you?2019-05-14T15:11:46+00:00

Not at this time. The application is completed online at

I don’t have access to a computer. Can you send me an application?2019-05-14T15:12:23+00:00

Yes. Please call the main office at (714) 747-0063.

How often can I apply for or receive a grant?2019-05-14T15:13:03+00:00

A family or individual may apply for an item once per calendar year. If a grant is awarded, the individual benefiting from the grant cannot receive another grant for two years.

I do not live in the United States, can I apply?2019-05-14T15:13:44+00:00

Grants are only awarded to citizens of the United States residing therein or permanent residents of the United States.

The device or technology I need is more than $2,500. Can I still apply?2019-05-14T15:14:14+00:00

Olam’s Piggybank grants only offer up to $2,500 per semi-annual cycle. The applicant is responsible for the remainder of the cost of the item.

Are Olam’s Piggybank Grants awarded to individuals who do not have a disorder of the corpus callosum?2019-05-14T15:15:16+00:00

No. Olam’s Piggybank Grants are specifically designed to help those with a disorder of the corpus callosum. These disorders include, but may not be limited to, agenesis of the corpus callosum, dysgenesis of the corpus callosum, and hypoplasia.

Why aren’t iPads eligible for Olam’s Piggybank Grants?2019-05-14T15:15:41+00:00

The iPad and other tablets are very useful tools. However, supplying tablets could easily be taken advantage of for non-assistive needs. We are happy to provide grants for communication apps or other assistive apps, but we are not in a position to provide grants for the iPad (or similar tablet) itself.

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