We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for making the 2024 NODCC Conference a tremendous success. Your enthusiasm, participation, and contributions have made this event truly special and memorable.

The insights shared, connections made, and the collective commitment to advancing our understanding and support for those with disorders of the corpus callosum are inspiring. We hope you found the sessions informative, the discussions engaging, and the community welcoming.

We look forward to our next gathering in 2026! While the exact dates and location are still being finalized, we promise to update you as soon as these details are confirmed.

Thank you once again for your dedication and support!

Regional Events

Gatherings, events, and fundraisers in local communities are hosted by families and individuals. These events are a great way to connect with people who live close or in the same region. The NODCC support and promote these events, but local families host and coordinate the events. If you would like to host a regional gathering please email Barbara Fonseca at info@nodcc.org.