Local Events

Families and friends of the NODCC host local gatherings and fundraisers to connect those living with a disorder of the corpus callosum and support the organization. If you have a local gathering to include in the calendar or would like to host an event, please contact Barb Fonseca at info@nodcc.org.

For more information on 2023 events and local fundraisers, please check the events section of upcoming NODCC newsletters & the NODCC website https://nodcc.org/conferences-and-events/local-events/ or email info@nodcc.org.

Upcoming Community Virtual Gatherings:

Full session descriptions and registration links for each call are included below. Register for the upcoming calls and watch for details on more sessions coming soon.


Connect and Reflect Series:

Every month, NODCC will extend invitations to leading researchers and experts to deliver up-to-date and pertinent insights on corpus callosum disorders, covering topics such as diagnosis, recent research advancements, and effective management strategies. Then in our recurring calls, we invite you to explore, reflect, and share your expertise on these topics with one another!
