By Miriam Bernard

New backpacks, crisp books, and freshly sharpened pencils abound – it’s back-to-school season! As students prepare to head back into the classroom this month, we know that for families with special needs, the process can induce fear, stress, or anxiety. It’s our desire to make this transition smoother by sharing NODCC resources to help you and your family navigate the school year, and offer the best tools to assist you. We hope these links, videos, and articles provide you with an arsenal of strategies to make it your family’s best school year yet!

Resources for Families:

Webinar: 10 Things to Know Through the School Years
By Kimberly Oren, MEd 
This 90-minute presentation explores common school-related challenges that many parents of children with disabilities face during the K-12 years. Topics include discussions on public vs private schools, interpreting IEPs and 504 plans, as well as evaluation options and transition tips. The first half of this presentation will highlight your rights and protections under 504 and IDEA along with embedded examples from a DCC parent’s perspective.

Article: Back-to-School Tips
By Tricia Funk (from August 2023)
This article from our blog archive gives a great overview of navigating school challenges, and easing parent’s anxieties.

Article: Back to School
By Kimberly Oren, MEd 
Another fantastic piece by a frequent NODCC contributor and parent of special needs children who knows how to maneuver through the many challenges. Bonus: the piece concludes with education-related suggestions from other NODCC community members.

Article: Surviving the Difficult Parent-Teacher Conference 
By Laurie Fry
A successful parent-teacher conference can set the foundation for a successful year, and this article gives tips from real educators regarding what makes them go well – or not!

Additional resources can also be found on the NODCC website at

Resources for Teachers: 

Webinar: Teaching Kids with DCC – What Educators Need to Know
Is your child starting at a new school or with a new teacher this year? Feel free to pass along this outstanding webinar to your DCC family member’s educators.
Moderator: Deona Kalala, NODCC Board Member 2023-2026
Panelists: Heather Will (Admin of ACC Babies Support Groups), Kimberly Oren, MEd, Barbara Fonseca (NODCC Founder & Managing Director), Kathe Gee (NODCC Board Member 2017-2023)
This webinar is tailored specifically for educators seeking to enhance their understanding and support for children with disorders of the corpus callosum (DCC). This webinar provides essential knowledge and practical strategies to empower educators, administrators, service providers, and (of course!) parents in effectively teaching and accommodating students with DCC.

Article: Support and Resources for Educators
Learning Disabilities Association of America
This is a hub for educators that contains dozens of links, sites, and resources for educators of children and adults with learning disabilities. Articles include:

  • How Teachers Can Help Students with Learning Disabilities
  • An IEP Meeting Guide for Educators
  • An Educator’s Guide to Easing Anxiety in the Classroom
  • Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
  • Teaching Adults with Learning Disabilities
  • Many many more

Access them all here!

No matter your family’s learning environment, we at the NODCC hope this upcoming school year is one of new growth, discovery, learning, and fun!